2016 British Championship Qualifying Regulations


The list of qualifiers can only be compiled by the English Chess Federation once either:
(a) an ECF-grading file is submitted to the ECF Grading Administrator, and he is informed that the event is a British Championship Qualifier, or
(b) a FIDE-rating file is rated by FIDE.

At this point, the Qualification Secretary will be able to update the list of qualifiers. We hope that organisers and potential qualifiers accept this situation, and we would encourage organisers to submit their grading and/or rating files as soon as possible after the conclusion of their event in order for the ECF to be able to update the list of qualifiers in a timely manner. Any other steps organisers can take to send the results to the ECF (for example, a link to their website with results) would be appreciated.

To contact the Qualification Secretary about a qualification or any other matter related to qualification, please email [email protected]

The first lists of qualifiers will appear in November 2015.

Entitlement to Play in the British Championships

Only players who fulfil one of the following criteria shall have the right of entry to the Championship sections of the Annual Congresses:

(a) British Citizenship, or
(b) British Overseas Territories Citizenship, or
(c) Citizenship of Ireland, or
(d) not less than one year continuous ordinary residence in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ending on the 30th June in the calendar year of the Championship in question, or
(e) not less than one year continuous ordinary residence in Ireland ending on the 30th June in the calendar year of the Championship in question, or
(f) not less than one year continuous ordinary residence in the Channel Islands ending on the 30th June in the calendar year of the Championship in question, or
(g) not less than one year continuous ordinary residence in the Isle of Man ending on the 30th June in the calendar year of the Championship in question

Qualification from the British Championships

1 – Any former British Champion or British Ladies/Women’s Champion.

2 – A score of 6½/11 (6/11 if under 21 – see Appendix) or more in the previous year’s Championship. These players receive half price entry.

3 – The reigning British Under 21, Under 18, Under 16 or Over 50 Senior Champion. These players receive half-price entry. Should the Senior Champion prefer to play in the Senior Championship, entry shall be half-price to that event.

4 – A score of 7½/11 (7/11 if under 21 – see Appendix) or higher in the Major Open. These players receive half-price entry.

Qualification by Grading, Rating or Rating Performance

5 – Holders of the GM, IM, WGM or WIM titles shall be automatically qualified. These players shall receive free entry. FMs over 2200 and WFMs over 2000 in the July FIDE-rating List in the year preceding the Championship shall automatically qualify and shall pay a half-price entry.

6 – A rating of 218 (2350) or higher in a British Isles national standardplay grading list or any FIDE standardplay list between 1st July in the calendar year preceding the Championship and 1st July in the calendar year of the Championship (both dates inclusive).

7 – The table in Appendix shows the relevant ratings for various players who shall qualify.

Qualification from Events

8 – The highest placed eligible competitor(s) not already qualified, in Regional Open ECF standardplay-graded or FIDE rated Swisses organised by each of the English Chess Unions. Each Union has three places.

9 – The highest placed eligible competitor(s) not already qualified, in

(a) British Isles FIDE standardplay-rated Open Swiss tournaments with at least 5 rounds or FIDE rapidplay-rated Open Swiss tournaments with at least 9 rounds, depending on the following number of players:

  • (i) One place if 20 players or more; or
  • (ii) Two places if 50 players or more.

(b) British Isles events containing more than one FIDE standardplay-rated Open Swiss tournament with at least 5 rounds, or containing more than one FIDE rapidplay-rated Open Swiss tournaments, depending on the following number of players:

  • (i) One place for each such tournament with 20 players or more; or
  • (ii) Two places for each such tournament with 50 players or more.

Further places may be applied for, depending on the scale and strength of the tournament. Applications must be sent to the Director of Home Chess not less than 7 days before the start of the tournament.

10 – Each of the six congresses with an ECF standardplay-graded Open section or sections that have the most ECF standardplay-graded games which are not also FIDE rated, concluding in the year ending on the 30th June in the calendar year preceding the Championship, shall be granted one place to be awarded to the highest placed eligible competitor(s) not already qualified, in an Open section.

11 – The winner of the ECF Congress of the Year Award shall be awarded one (additional) place.


12 – In the event of there being a tie for any of the above specified qualifying places, all the players in the tie shall qualify as long as they have scored in excess of 60%. If the qualifying place is tied on 60% or less then the tie shall be broken by Sum of Progressive Scores (SPS) and only player(s) on the top SPS shall qualify.

Qualification by Nomination

13 – The following nominees:

(a) 4 players nominated by Chess Scotland
(b) 3 players nominated by the Irish Chess Union
(c) 3 players nominated by the Welsh Chess Union
(d) 2 players nominated by the Ulster Chess Union
(e) 1 player nominated by the Guernsey Chess Federation
(f) 1 player nominated by the Isle of Man Chess Association
(g) 1 player nominated by the Jersey Chess Federation
(h) 2 nominees for the County in which the Championships are being held; or if the Championships are held outside England, two additional nominees for the Organisation in 14(a)-(g) hosting the Championships.

14 – The Champion, of each of the English Chess Unions, or if no Union Championship is held, their nominee.

15 – One nominee of each of the following officers of the English Chess Federation:

(a) President
(b) Director of Home Chess
(c) Director of International Chess
(d) Director of Junior Chess & Education
(e) Manager(s) of the British Championships

For the purposes of 13, 14, and 15, these nominations must be made to the Qualification Secretary no later than 1st July in the year of the Championship. Should a player be nominated who subsequently qualifies for the Championship, then additional nomination(s) will be sought from the appropriate organisation.

Promotion from the Major Open

16 – The Manager(s) of the British Championships reserve the right to invite a player to the Championship from the Major Open in order to ensure the Championship has an even number of players.

Deferred Entry

All qualifiers from events shall have the right to defer their entry to the next British Championships, assuming they are eligible under the “Entitlement to Play in the British Championships” criteria. Should the player qualify for the next British Championship by right, then this takes priority over the deferred entry.


1 – Players who are “under 21” are those who were born 1995 or later.

2 – Females, or players born 1995 or later with an active ECF grade of 180 (2040 for other Federations listed in 13(a)-(c)) or higher.

For the purposes of this rule, the July standardplay grading list, or the first national standardplay list published after July in the rest of the British Isles, shall be used.

3 – Events described as “British Isles” are those which are played in the territory or under the auspices of:

  • (a) the English Chess Federation; or
  • (b) any of the Federations listed in Regulation 13.

4 – Events which are “Open” are those whose top section has either

  • (a) no grade or rating restriction, or
  • (b) a ECF grade restriction of 218 or higher, or
  • (c) a national rating of the countries listed in 13(a)-(c) with a restriction of 2350 or higher, or
  • (d) a FIDE rating restriction of 2350 or higher.